MUBBS Tools goes in the SAME folder as MUBBS, along with the folder "help".
Some parts of these instructions MAY HAVE NOT BEEN UPDATED since the V.5 (1.0?) release of MUBBS so some sections may have old info. It's not too hard to figure stuff out anyway.
THE MAC SCREEN IS SLOW ON A PLUS, but the user's get FAST FAST stuff!
There are more modules available for MUBBS, check the Support BBS!
TAKE OUT THOSE STUPID INIT's !!!!! (start with a NEW system too!)
I you have the "COMM TOOLBOX" mickey mouse upgrade for 6.0.7
installed you need to install a NEW SYSTEM to get rid of it.
DISCLAIMER: This program is a test, it is not debugged, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK ! It is not intended for any particular purpose, and especially not any you expect. It can crash, wipe out your hard drive, and make your life miserable. Back up all data before using. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED ! This program will self destruct if not handled in a caring manner. Keep the copy that you downloaded in archive format or suffer the "download again" pain. Use sparingly. Don't drink and BBS.
You can upload this file to any BBS or online service, it's free, you cannot charge for it for any reason (as if someone would pay for it). You must include ALL files found in the ORIGINAL distribution archive. You can find the original on my BBS, free to download (and I'll try to keep it "access first call"), up to 9600 baud V.32/V.42 (unless something better rolls around).
Other stuff... DON'T ASK ME !!! Figure it out yourself !!! Don't bother me till you waste 5 hours trying to figure it out yourself. Post on the MUBBS support BBS and see what comes back (there are some really GOOD people involved in MUBBS, and they are very friendly).
Remember most MUBBS modules will be FREE, so be real NICE to any programmer !
I spent enough time putting this version together. I am busy putting the new modules together. What would you rather have ?